Carrot Top Pesto


During this quarantine, I have begun looking at food with a different approach. Learning how to make the most of what I have on hand. I learned that carrot tops are edible years ago, but never really put it to use until now. I’m not sure why! It’s really delicious and adds a burst of vibrancy and brightness to any dish. I personally love it on soups, fish, and pasta. You can swap some ingredients, such as using cashews instead of walnuts, or omitting the shallots, and it still remains delicious. Add a dash of nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor. If you have other herbs, such as mint or parsley, throw it in as well!

Nourishment — This pesto is rich in vitamins, such as Vitamin C, and minerals, like potassium. It may aid in detoxing heavy metals out of the body thanks to the high chlorophyll count.

1 Bundle Carrot Top Greens

2 Garlic Cloves

Juice of 1 small lemon

1 TB ACV or Red Wine Vinegar

1 Small Shallot

1/3 Cup Walnuts

1/2 Olive Oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Place in food processor or blender and blend well. You want it smooth but with some texture.

Tip — Roughly chop the carrot tops before adding to blender as they’ll get wrapped up in the blade. Learned that first hand!

Carrot top greens usually have a lot of dirt and dust. I just place them in a large bowl of cold water and let sit. The dirt will sink to the bottom. Take the greens out, give them a rinse, and repeat if necessary.

Carrot tops also range in bitterness, add some honey if you feel it’s too bitter.


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